Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nowhere to Hide Now, Alex

This is not a good week to be Alex Rodriguez. In fact it's not going to be a good year, either. Alex Rodriguez talked about taking steriods the other day. Not because he wanted to, but because he had to. He had to own up to it because his advisors told him it was the only way he could salvage any part of his rep.

But in the process he told one tall tale after another, and tried to play the American public for suckers. Only the public knows a liar when it hears one, and they're not going to cut him any slack. How could he not know what he took? How could he not know exactly when? How could he not know who gave it to him?

Sure he's sorry. Sorry he got caught. If Selena Roberts didn't nab him he would have never given it up. And now that he's admitted to taking the juice for three seasons, who can believe he didn't take anything in those great Yankee years? Who can trust anything he says or does?

This isn't a case of a guy making a mistake and being forgiven for it. This was an ongoing mistake. Day after day for at least three years.

The guy is a liar and a cheat. And the nerve of him to try and lay some blame on the reporter who asked him the question. As they said in Inherit the Wind, "it is the job of the reporter to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the confortable." And unless I'm mistaken, Alex Rodriguez is no longer comfortable.

Just like Mark McGuire and Barry Bonds, Rodriguez is going to be locked out of the Hall of Fame. There's no place there for liars and cheats.

Yes, this is not a very good time to be Alex Rodriguez.
